by Gabriela Brenes and Luisa Ortiz
Break the silence and indifference, get in the game now, before it is too late.
Vera Vigevani Jarach, Madre de Plaza de Mayo
The Second Carovane Migranti -Migrant People’s Caravan- is a civil society initiative attempting to make the rights of migrants, dignity and justice of migrants visible. It will travel across Italy for two weeks combining approaches and disciplines, encouraging dialogue among all different actors in this human crisis.
The deployment of energy will constitute an effort to identify forms of community organization in the territories, new forms of participation, bonds of solidarity and good practices that can reverse, or at least slow down, hatred against migrants.
Similarities between North American and Mexican migration policies and the one Europe is setting up are increasingly evident. If people do not want to ignore this fact, they need to know that restrictive and discriminating policies have not stopped multitudes of people on the move. Passages have become increasingly dangerous and the number of unaccompanied minors who undertake these types of journeys and disappear or are rejected once they have reached their desired destinations is increasing. Decisions of moving the southern border and to militarize forests and deserts has not solved the migrant’s problem.
This year the Italian Caravan will walk with distinguished witnesses: Gricelides Ana Enamorado from Honduras is one of the mothers of the Caravana Centroamericana/Central American Caravana and of the Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano; Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez Herrera has taken part of “Las Patronas” from the state of Veracruz, Mexico; Omar Garcia, spokesman of the students of the Rural Ayotzinapa School, survivor of the massacre of September 26th, 2014; Imed Soltani, a man of Tunisian ancestry, member of the organization Terre pour tous; and an Algerian lawyer and a Spanish group of volunteer firemen who rescued hundreds of people off the coast of Lesbos.
Each organizer and participant is a volunteer or a member of a non-profit organization. Each of them will cover their travel fees, but they need help to cover the costs for the board, lodging and transportation of their witnesses: 3 from Mexico, 1 from Spain, 1 from Tunisia and 1 from Algeria.
Parti con Lei! – Walk with them!
Please donate and help the Carovane Miganti make sense of this problem:
Please look at the Carovane’s press release:
Please donate and help the Carovane Miganti make sense of this problem: